Monday, October 15, 2012

Just Give it to Her!

Last night I dreamt that I was on a plane, and Amy was sitting in the seat behind me, and I gave her a case for her Galaxy S2 phone.

Then I woke up...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fun Times at Sunday School

Last night I dreamt that we all went to have a water balloon fight for Sunday School, with the pastor and his wife getting involved!


I had another dream, that this boy strolled in to our house randomly and started checking out all our stuff.

"Oooooo, flat screen TV! Ooooo nice laptop!"

That's when I started to get nervous, thinking he was going to come back and rob us later on. So I shouted at him,

"That's it. Get out!"

That's when I woke up...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Wreckless Driving

Jireh's mum was pregnant and he really needed to get to the hospital, and I just so happened to be the closest person to him with a car. He jumped into my car with me in the passenger seat and we headed to the motorway. The only thing was...while I had a restricted license, he didn't have any license at all!

He was drove onto the on-ramp of the motorway which is round a bend, but he was turning too sharp that he rolled the car over! As we got out, I noticed a police car heading our way, so I urged Jireh to make a run for it while I tried rolling the car back on its wheels. At least I had a license and would get in less trouble if the police caught me, or so I thought!

That's when I woke up...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I had two very freaky dreams last night:

The first dream was when my family and I were in a several-storey shopping mall when the floors started collapsing after a bomb went off! We were trying to get out but as the floors crumbled from under us we were running out of space and time!

In the second dream, we were at home during the night when this guy on a bike was riding up and down our driveway creating a lot of noise. Our dad then went out and got in his car and drove out there, when the guy the bike started hassling him. We watched from inside through a window.

That's when I woke up...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Looking for a Job

I had two separate dreams last night:

In the first one I dreamed that I was going to have my birthday party at Gabrielle's house but first we had to go over to Diane's house to pick some stuff up. We hung out at her house for a while, and soon Chen came over. Someone started cooking some food, and someone then suggested just having my birthday party at Diane's the only thing was that on my invitation to others, the venue stated Gabrielle's address!


In my second dream I dreamed that I was looking for a job and went to this school (which I presume was St Domonic's College!), and as I wandered the corridors and approached the office, I felt that weird negative energy you tend to feel as you approach a school dreams...

I told the girl at the counter that I would like to ask something, and the receptionist asked me to write my query down on the whiteboard, so I spent a while writing on the whiteboard that I was looking for a part-time job, possibly something to do in teaching. I kept trying to get the query perfect, but then someone started cooking food and the whiteboard turned into messed up meat (don't ask me where the meat came from!). 

I just came out and told the receptionist that I was looking for a part-time job, and she told me that at their head office there was an administration support job available.

That's when I woke up...

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Deja Vu

Last night I went to Gabrielle's house to have dinner and get together with all the other helpers of the church's children's summer programme just to share, reflect, and watch the video Aonghas put together.

It just so happens that last night I dreamed that we were at Gabrielle's house for the children's summer programme reunion! All I can remember about the dream was that it was late at night and we were all gathered at the front of the house talking before leaving. I remember Aonghas talking to Grace, and Gabrielle talking with her mum and dad about how well the night went.

I also remember that I had something big coming up that my attention was focused on, like an upcoming exam or performance!

That's when I woke up...

Tripping on the Cable

I had three dreams in one night! I think it must've been because I was sleeping on the couch to give Aonghas some company as he tried to finish off the church children's summer programme video and I'd often half-awake.
In the first dream, I dreamt that Carmen, Aonghas, Grace and I got off the bus in the city and we were walking along this footpath. These guys who were loitering around started hooting and whistling at either Aonghas and Grace or me and Grace, thinking we or Aonghas and Grace were a couple!
I can't exactly remember the second dream, but the third dream was a bit of a nightmare! Carmen and I went to Sky City Metro to watch Zombieland, while at the same time there was a dinner held by my friends downstairs in my honour.
After the movie was finished, we had to walk across this walkway that was above another movie theatre to get to the other side, but us three decided to hide along the walkway and secretly watch the movie. While Carmen and Grace found the perfect hiding place, I was watching from the walkway. I happened to knock a cable, which stopped the movie and made the lights go back up!
Everyone was moaning and they had to reset the movie! They played the movie again but I did the same thing and this happened another time. After the third time, I thought I'd better get out of here before someone notices me! I was applying for a job at Sky City Metro as well and didn't want to jeopardize my chances!
I wandered up Queen Street looking for something to do when Sarena was trying to sell some product as part of a Business school project. She was trying to entice me away from buying a product her friend was selling. I think I bought Sarena's product anyway!
As I walked past Sky City Metro, I saw Carmen and Grace inside and they were trying to persuade me to sneak inside and watch one more movie! I succumbed to the persuasion and thought I'd be very, very careful this time!
All was going well, till I just touched a cable and thought I'd get away with it, but the movie stopped and the lights turned back on! This time the manager who had been wandering around the building keeping an eye on things, had a full-time professional photographer with her to try snap the perpetrator, and he caught me!
That's when I woke up...